Latest News & Announcements

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We are pleased to announce the call for proposals for the upcoming Society for Music Theory (SMT) conference in 2025, to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Deadline: February 17, 2025.

“Whole-Tone Collections and Temporal Dislocation in Film Music” by Zachary Cairns is now available at and on YouTube.
SMT newsletter

The August 2024 issue of the SMT Newsletter is now available! The Newsletter is now available to view in a web-based format. A PDF version is still available for download.

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With articles by Boyle and Sherrill, Donaldson, Geary, Gran, Neidhöfer, Eron, and Tönies.
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We are happy to announce the two winners of this year’s Dissertation Fellowships, Lee Cannon-Brown and Marcel Camprubi.
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SMT-Pod has debuted its third season! A new episode will be released every week.
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Oxford University Press has made these articles free to read for three months.