Oxford University Press has made these articles free to read for three months.

The editorial team at Music Theory Spectrum congratulates the following Spectrum authors for the publication awards they have recently received.
In response, Oxford University Press has made these articles free to read for three months. OUP marketing will also schedule a tweet for each article on the @OUPMusic Twitter channel over the coming weeks.
Congratulations to our colleagues for this well-deserved recognition!
Outstanding Publication Award
- Chelsea Burns, “‘Musique cannibale’: The Evolving Sound of Indigeneity in Heitor Villa-Lobos's Tres poêmas indigenas,” Music Theory Spectrum 43, no. 1 (2021).
- Omer Maliniak & Yoel Greenberg, “Follow the Solo: The Formal Evolution of the Concerto in the Eighteenth Century,” Music Theory Spectrum 44, no. 2 (2022).