ice crystals

We at MTO are proud to present Volume 27, no. 4, with 9 articles and 2 reviews. Stop whatever you're doing and read the whole thing!

Wishing all a healthy new year,

Mitch Ohriner, Editor

Editor’s Message


Generic Norms, Irony, and Authenticity in the AABA Songs of the Rolling Stones, 1963–1971
David S. Carter (Loyola Marymount University)

Onset and Contiguity: Melodic Feature Reduction and Pattern Discovery
Aaron Carter-Ényì (Morehouse College)
Gilad Rabinovitch (Florida State University)

Romantic Periods
Diego Cubero (University of North Texas)

The Logic of Six-Based Minor for Harmonic Analyses of Popular Music
Trevor de Clercq (Middle Tennessee State University)

Rebonds: Structural Affordances, Negotiation, and Creation
Ben Duinker (University of Toronto)

Corporeal Musical Structure: A Gestural-Kinesthetic Approach to Toru Takemitsu’s Rain Tree Sketch II
Jocelyn Ho (University of California, Los Angeles)

Brahmsian Articulation: Ambiguous and Unfixed Structures in Op. 38
Ana Llorens (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Performing Analysis, Performing Metal: Meshuggah, Edvard Hansson, and the Analytical Light Show
Olivia R. Lucas (Louisiana State University)

Sometimes the Music Wins: Text and Music in a Willaert Madrigal
Peter Schubert (McGill University)


Review of Megan Kaes Long, Hearing Homophony: Tonal Expectation at the Turn of the Seventeenth Century (Oxford University Press, 2020)
Gregory Barnett (Rice University)

Review of Laura Emmery, Compositional Process in Elliott Carter’s String Quartets: A Study in Sketches (Routledge, 2020)
Peter Smucker (Stetson University)