The Executive Board of the Society for Music Theory condemns the acts of anti-Asian violence that have been occurring this year in the United States and continue to escalate.

The Executive Board of the Society for Music Theory condemns the acts of anti-Asian violence that have been occurring this year in the United States and continue to escalate. In fact, anti-Asian violence has been a deplorable part of United States history. As educators, we need to find ways to make our students aware of this history, which began with anti-Asian discrimination in the nineteenth century.
We find it especially painful that these acts of violence are often dismissed and not recognized for what they are: hateful attacks directed against Asians and Asian-Americans. We urge you to reach out to members of our Society who have been especially affected by these violent acts of the last three weeks, and who are dealing with this pain every day. I also sincerely apologize for the delay in this message. The attacks have been on our minds daily as we try to process some way forward.
Patricia Hall
President of SMT