Friday, November 21, 2025
Saturday, November 22, 2025
Submission Deadline
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Milan Conservatory of Music, Milan, Italy

The Conservatory of Music of Milan is pleased to announce the international conference Berio: labirinti in musica - Berio: labyrinths in music, to be held in Milan, Italy, on 21-22 November 2025.

On the centenary of Luciano Berio’s birth we invite scholars, researchers, and musicians to submit proposals exploring the multiple dimensions of his creative career. We particularly encourage contributions addressing the following themes:

a) Spaces of Meaning: literature, theatre, theatricality, intermedia, and multimedia.
b) Thinking Music: implicit and explicit aesthetics and poetics.
c) Other Voices: different cultures and musics; re-writing, re-reading, and translating music.
d) Performing Berio: languages and performance issues; Berio’s relationship with performers, voices, instruments, and electronics.

Proposal deadline: 15 April
Notification: 15 May
Languages: Italian and English

There is no registration fee. Proposals should be between 400 and 500 words, and should include up to five bibliographic references. Proposals should be sent as .doc or .rtf files to the following email address:

Proposals should include: – Title of the paper – Name of the author(s) – Affiliation – Email address – Brief bio
Papers will last from 20 to 25 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of questions and discussion.