Mission statement
The Film and Multimedia Interest Group strives to create a scholarly space to stimulate and disseminate research on music (broadly understood to include sound) within film, games, and multimedia, employing well-established music analytical methodologies, as well as newly developed analytical frameworks. By extension, this group will seek to facilitate dialogue and collaboration with other interest groups within the Society for Music Theory and researchers working in cognition, musicology, and allied fields.
The Film and Multimedia Interest Group meets at annual meetings, sometimes in coordination with other interest groups in the Society for Music Theory or working groups from other societies. Past meetings have involved lightning talks, invited presentations, and hands-on demonstrations on a wide range of topics. In addition, the interest group grants an annual publication award to a piece of scholarship that aligns with the group’s mission.
Online presence and discussion
The Film and Multimedia Interest Group maintains a Humanities Commons page, which we use to make announcements, initiate discussions, and facilitate communication amongst our members.
How to join
There are no requirements for membership; simply attend our meetings at annual SMT meetings to participate.
For further information, please contact the interest group leadership (contact info below).
Role | Name | |
Co-Chair | Clair Nguyen | clair.nguyen@gmail.com |
Co-Chair | Chelsea Oden | odenmusictheory@gmail.com |