Brazilian instruments

Mission statement

The primary objective of the SMT Analysis of World Musics Interest Group is to provide a unique interdisciplinary platform from which to explore the panoply of global musical traditions, both past and present, that lie outside the purview of Western art music from the broadest possible array of theoretical, cultural, historical and analytical perspectives. 


The AWMIG sponsors and plans presentations, discussions, workshops, performances, and special topic sessions for the Annual Meeting of SMT. 

Online Presence and Discussion

The AWMIG hosts a Humanities Commons page, which all are encouraged to join and participate in. On the Humanities Commons page can be found participant-shared materials, reading lists and syllabi, links to relevant forthcoming events and CFPs, discussion forums, and more.


There are no requirements for membership; simply attend our meetings at annual SMT meetings to participate.

Leadership and Contact Info
Role Name Email
Role Co-chair Name Ruixue Hu Email 
Role Co-chair Name Sam Falotico Email