Massachusetts, USA
Northeastern University
Assistant Professor

Founded in 1898, Northeastern is a global research university and the recognized leader in experience-driven lifelong learning. Our world-renowned experiential approach empowers our students, faculty, alumni, and partners to create impact far beyond the confines of discipline, degree, and campus.
Our locations—in Boston; Charlotte, North Carolina; London; Portland, Maine; San Francisco; Seattle; Silicon Valley; Toronto; Vancouver; and the Massachusetts communities of Burlington and Nahant—are nodes in our growing global university system. Through this network, we expand opportunities for flexible, student-centered learning and collaborative, solutions-focused research.
Northeastern’s comprehensive array of undergraduate and graduate programs— in a variety of on-campus and online formats—lead to degrees through the doctorate in nine colleges and schools. Among these, we offer more than 195 multi-discipline majors and degrees designed to prepare students for purposeful lives and careers.


The College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University announces a college-wide, cross-departmental cluster of open-rank (tenured or tenure-track) appointments at the nexus of Artificial Intelligence, Design, and the Arts (Music, Design, and Creativity Studies).

We are particularly interested in candidates in these specific areas:

1) Music Technology and AI: possibilities include applied sound and visual design (e.g., data sonification); musical information retrieval; expanding accessibility of advanced creative technologies across diverse communities; applying critical creative practice to ethics, race and social justice; other innovative modes of communication through music/design and AI; and creative coding.

2) Critical Creative Practice, Human-Computer Interaction and/or Robotics: possibilities include human factors and experience in the context of HCI and/or robotics research; human-centered AI; interactive data exploration and presentation; computer-supported collaboration and learning; context-aware computing; critical computing and the idea of self, communities, playfulness, narrative, and transhumanist identity constructions.

3) Design and AI: possibilities include data visualization/data sonification; human-centered machine learning; experience design; perceptual interfaces; digital design and fabrication; usable programming and interfaces for learning and education.

These positions hold the capacity for joint appointments between a Department or School within the College of Arts, Media and Design (Music; Art+Design; Theatre; Communication Studies; Journalism; Architecture) and other entities within or beyond the College, including the College of Engineering, the Khoury College of Computer Sciences, the Institute for Experiential AI, the Robotics Institute, and the Ethics Institute. Candidates for these positions may focus on any aspects at the nexus of humanics and AI, including but not limited to: applied sound and visual design (e.g., data sonification); affective computing; informatics and embodied creativity; human-computer interaction; human-robot collaboration; brain-machine interfaces; innovative modes of communication through music/design/performance and AI; and related aspects of robotics research.

The new faculty members will be instrumental in forging new curricular paths and developing innovative directions in research and scholarship at the graduate and undergraduate levels, and in developing a distinctive profile for Northeastern’s programs across the College of Arts, Media, and Design.


Candidates must have a PhD, MFA, or other relevant terminal degree by the appointment start date.


Candidates should submit applications electronically to: https://careers.hrm.northeastern.edu/en-us/job/508496/open-rank-professor-humanics-in-ai

Please include a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and the contact information for three references. Please do not submit additional materials unless requested. Applications received on or before January 12, 2022 will be guaranteed full review and consideration.


Questions pertaining to the search can be sent to Professor Paolo Ciuccarelli, p.ciuccarelli@northeastern.edu, Chair of the Cluster Search Committee, Department of Art + Design, College of Arts Media and Design, Northeastern University.
For each of the three search areas, please direct questions as follows:
Music Technology and AI: Professor Psyche Loui, p.loui@northeastern.edu, Department of Music;
Critical Creative Practice, Human-Computer Interaction and/or Robotics: Professor Sylke Meyer, s.meyer@northeastern.edu, Department of Theatre;
Design and AI: Professor Paolo Ciuccarelli, p.ciuccarelli@northeastern.edu, Department of Art + Design.


All applicants have the right to accessibility support and accommodations. To request accessibility support and accommodations, please contact Julie Newmeyer, j.newmeyer@northeastern.edu, Personnel Administration Manager for the College of Arts Media and Design.

The College of Arts, Media and Design is a collaborative, diverse community, acting as a catalyst for research, inspiration, and discovery across the University. It brings together a unique combination of disciplines, including Architecture, Art+Design, Communication Studies, Journalism, Media and Screen Studies, Music, and Theatre, and is home to three interdisciplinary research centers: the Center for the Arts, the Center for Design, and the Center for Communication, Media Innovation, and Social Change. (See: http://www.northeastern.edu/camd)