North Carolina, USA
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Postdoctoral scholar

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is accepting applications for the Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity (CPPFD). <https://research.unc.edu/carolina-postdocs/applicants/&gt;

As part of a continuing commitment to building a culturally diverse intellectual community and advancing scholars from different backgrounds in higher education, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity (CPPFD) is pleased to offer postdoctoral research appointments for a period of two years. The purpose of CPPFD is to develop scholars who can contribute to the diversity of the campus community for possible tenure track appointments at the University of North Carolina and other research universities. Postdoctoral scholars will be engaged full-time in research and may teach only one course per fiscal year. This program is funded by the State of North Carolina.

The CPPFD is a nationally recognized and extremely competitive program. We typically receive more than 750 applications per year and typically fund 4-5 new postdoctoral researchers per year.

Applications for study in any discipline represented on the campus are welcome. Please specify your discipline of interest when applying. (The Department of Music welcomes applications from music scholars and would love to have a music theory postdoc in the department. )


Applicants must have completed their doctoral degree or terminal degree in their field within the past five years and no later than July 1st of the award year.

The primary criterion for selection is evidence of scholarship potentially competitive for tenure track appointments at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and other research universities.

An important secondary criterion is the support of prospective departments.

Preference will be given to individuals who are lawfully eligible to work in the United States. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill strongly encourages applications from individuals that have experience, background and/or scholarship that will contribute to the diversity of the campus community.

Stipend of $50,000 per calendar year (STEM disciplines-based on qualifications), with $2,000 per year research fund for research expenses, including travel.

Application materials:
> Cover letter addressed to Vice Chancellor for Research
> Curriculum vitae
> A statement of research plans (1-3 pages)
> A contribution to diversity statement on why you should be selected for this program (1–3 pages)
> Writing samples (e.g., publications and/or dissertation chapters)
> Two references for letters of recommendation
> All Materials must be submitted through online application system to be accepted: https://unc.peopleadmin.com

(See original job posting at: https://research.unc.edu/carolina-postdocs/applicants/)


For questions or additional information regarding the Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity, please contact:

Jennifer Pruitt
Program Coordinator

SMT Jacksonville 2024

The Society for Music Theory celebrates its forty-seventh Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront Hotel in Jacksonville, Florida, November 7–10, 2024.


Visit Jacksonville built a microsite for our attendees to use. Visit the site to learn more about Jacksonville, including where to eat, what to do, and how to get there.


Information about the conference can be found on the SMT website

Hotel Reservations 

The Hyatt Regency Riverfront Hotel (225 E Coastline Drive) has reserved a block of rooms for conference attendees. The rates are $169/night for single and double occupancy; $194/night for triple occupancy; $219/night for quadruple occupancy; and $169 for student quadruple occupancy (limited rooms available). Hotel reservations for non-students may be made online.  SMT student members should have received an email with a code to reserve at the student rate; please email Jennifer Diaz at smt@societymusictheory.org if you did not receive the email. 

Using the conference room block at this hotel helps us meet our contractual obligations and keeps you close to all conference activities.

Conference Registration

Conference registration is open and available on our website. The rates are as follows:

Rate Category Early (6/01–9/27/2024) Regular (9/28–11/1/2024)
Student or low-income $70.00 $95.00
Emeritus/Retired $100.00 $135.00
Standard $130.00 $175.00
Student Helpers

We are in need of student volunteers to assist during the conference. Volunteers will receive a registration fee waiver in exchange for 6.5 hours of service. The deadline to apply is September 6

Hotel Accessibility

Every effort will be made to meet the unique requirements of all attendees. For specific needs or questions please contact Jennifer Diaz, Executive Director, at smt@societymusictheory.org.  


The Society provides several sponsorship opportunities for organizations at our Annual Meeting. 


The deadline to reserve an exhibit booth is September 6

Program Guide Advertisements 

The final deadline to reserve a program guide ad is September 6