SMT 2020 will be held remotely but you can still connect with other members. Sport a DiverSMT button at the Zoom screen during the annual meeting. Get an SMT facemask to keep you and others safe. Commemorate the 2020 Annual Meeting with a special coffee mug. Help us make this meeting truly unforgettable and support the Society at the same time.
The prices below do not include shipping. We do ship internationally. If interested, contact us at

SMT Coffee Mug
"These are strange times," and you need a mug that reflects that.
Don't be spotted at a 2020 SMT Zoom session without one. (Update: Our initial order sold out! More mugs will be here on October 22. Order yours today if you'd like to have it in time for the conference.)

SMT Facemask
It's tough enough being a music theorist! With this mask you can stay safe while resolving your dominant seventh chords and performing those Leitonwechsel transformations.
SMT. Socially distanced since 1978.

DiverSMT Button
Your SMT is committed to diversity! Show your support for our mission with this DiverSMT button.