The program committee for the 2025 North American Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music invites proposals for presentations on topics related to the “long” nineteenth century. The conference will be held Wednesday through Friday, June 25–27, at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
Proposals for individual papers, lecture-recitals, and panels on all topics relating to the history, analysis, and reception of music during the long nineteenth century (ca. 1789–1914) will be considered. The committee would especially welcome proposals related to globalizing the study of nineteenth-century music (e.g., studies of musical practices and cultures outside of the Anglo-American-European context, perspectives from or related to the Global South, papers and work-in-progress reports exploring music and musicians from underrepresented groups or locales, etc.), performance and pedagogical practices of the nineteenth century, as well as teaching nineteenth-century music in the twenty-first century. Researchers from traditionally underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply and to voluntarily self-identify when submitting a proposal. Finally, and in gratitude for a generous sponsorship from the France: Musiques, Cultures, 1789–1918 Research Network (UK) and the Palazetto Bru Zane (Venice), we also encourage proposals focusing on any aspect of French music during the time, though the committee welcomes submissions of all proposals that engage with various aspects of music during the long nineteenth century.
Proposals for individual papers and lecture-recitals should include all of the following:
1. a presentation title and abstract of no more than 300 words;
2. a brief biography of the author(s) for inclusion in the conference program;
3. a note providing proposal title and contact information for the presenter(s).
Proposals for panels (of three to four 20-minute presentations, shorter “lightning talks,” or roundtable discussions) should include all of the following:
1. a panel title and abstract for the entire panel of no more than 300 words
2. a presentation title and abstract of no more than 300 words for each presentation
3. a brief biography for each member of the panel for inclusion in the conference program
4. a note providing proposal title and contact information for each member of the panel
All presentations will be allotted 30 minutes, including questions and discussion; therefore, papers should be kept to 20 minutes. Lecture-recitals will be allotted up to 60 minutes at the discretion of the program committee.
Please submit proposals by email no later than January 15, 2025 to Applicants can expect to receive a decision in March 2025.
Up-to-date information will also be posted on our website,
The organizing committee consists of Jack Blaszkiewicz (local arrangements), Tekla Babyak, Chris Campo-Bowen, Helena K. Spencer, Marie Sumner Lott, Jane Sylvester, and Jennifer Walker (program committee chair).