October 15, 2021: Presenter registration deadline
October 22, 2021: Deadline to submit supplementary materials

As part of the virtual SMT annual meeting, conference attendees will have an extended period of time to view supplementary materials before, during, and after the conference begins on November 4th. Therefore, we ask presenters to adhere to two important deadlines:
October 15, 2021: Presenter registration deadline
October 22, 2021: Deadline to submit supplementary materials
Submitting your materials
- When you have finished preparing your materials, send them to conferencematerials@societymusictheory.org.
- Text-based documents, handouts, and presentation slides should be sent as PDFs.
- You may include a PDF of your professional biography as a separate document.
- Video or audio material larger than 10MB should be sent as a link to a downloadable file. Dropbox and Google Drive offer free accounts that allow users to share large files.
Paper presenters, special session presenters, and respondents
- Modality: Paper sessions will take place in Zoom meetings. Attendees will remain muted, unless given access permission by the chair or monitor.
- Presentations per session: Each regular paper session will include between two and four different presentations.
- Session length: Sessions will be 60, 90, 120, or 180 minutes, depending on how many papers are in the session and what type of session it is.
- Presentation length: Each presentation will be allowed 20 minutes. Each presentation will be followed by a 10-minute Q&A.
- Live sessions: Your main presentation will occur live during your assigned session time. However, prior to the conference, attendees will be encouraged to review any supplementary materials you submitted.
- Alternative, integrated, and invited sessions: These sessions may have a different structure. Please contact your session organizer with any questions.
Supplementary materials
You may submit one or more of the following to conferencematerials@societymusictheory.org no later than October 22:
- Link to a media file of a standard type, such as MP3, MP4, AAC, WAV, or MOV, uploaded to Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. (please do not attach large files to your email)
- PDF of the script of your talk
- PDF of presentation slides or a handout (do not send PPTX or KEY files themselves as not everyone will have the software to view them)
- PDF of your bio
Poster presenters
About poster sessions
- Modality: Poster sessions will begin in single Zoom meeting and then move to breakout rooms for Q&A.
- Presentations per session: There will be multiple poster sessions, each including four to six different poster presentations.
- Session length: Poster sessions will be 90 minutes.
- Presentation length: Each presentation will be allowed time to provide a brief summary of their poster—no more than five minutes each. Think of this as the “elevator pitch” you would have prepared for the face-to-face conference. During the brief summary presenters can display their poster or up to 5 slides. These brief summary presentations will be followed by a Q&A where each poster presenter will have their own Zoom breakout room. This will give conference attendees the opportunity to interact with each poster presentation in small groups and to move freely among the poster sessions.
- Live sessions: Your main presentation will occur live during your assigned session time. However, prior to the conference, attendees will be encouraged to review any supplementary materials you submitted.
Supplementary materials
You may submit one or more of the following to conferencematerials@societymusictheory.org no later than October 22:
- Link to a media file of a standard type, such as MP3, MP4, AAC, WAV, or MOV, uploaded to Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. (please do not attach large files to your email)
- PDF of your poster or slides (recommended; however if you have something else in mind, please get in touch with Phil Duker).
- PDF of your bio
Interest Groups
Prior to the conference, attendees will be encouraged to review any materials you submitted.
You may submit one or more of the following to conferencematerials@societymusictheory.org no later than October 22:
- PDF of agenda/program
- Link to a media file of a standard type, such as MP3, MP4, AAC, WAV, or MOV, uploaded to Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. (please do not attach large files to your email)
- PDF of presentation slides or a handout (do not send PPTX or KEY files themselves as not everyone will have the software to view them)
- PDF of presenter bio(s)