With articles by Boyle and Sherrill, Donaldson, Geary, Gran, Neidhöfer, Eron, and Tönies.
With articles by Braunschweig, Burns, Daly, Ovenden, Posen, Hasegawa, Utz, Li, and Boyle; an essay by Lee; and a review by Boyd and Conlee.
With articles by Duguay, Geary, Margulis, Miller, Mitchell, Windholz, Williams, McAuley, Masci, Ng, Nobile, Schubert, Straus; reviews by Kahrs and Temperley.
SMT-V 8.2, “Clara Schumann’s op. 16 no. 3 and 'Fifth Above, Third Below': Discerning Inverted Canonic Potential” by Scott Murphy, is now available at SMT-V.org.