We are pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of Music Theory Online.

We at MTO are proud to present Volume 28, no. 3, with nine new articles. Looking forward to seeing all in New Orleans!
Best regards,
Mitch Ohriner, Editor
Vilde Aaslid - Sociable Musicopoetics in Vijay Iyer and Mike Ladd’s In What Language
Jack Boss - George Walker’s Piano Music: Traditional Forms in Tonal, Serial and Atonal Styles
Samuel Gardner and Nicholas J. Shea - Gestural Perspectives on Popular-Music Performance
Andrew Goldman - Returning to the Continuum: On the Value of Typological Distinctions in the Analysis of Improvisation
Megan Kaes Long - Reassessing the Plagal Cadence in Byrd and Morley
Stephen McAdams, Meghan Goodchild, and Kit Soden - A Taxonomy of Orchestral Grouping Effects Derived from Principles of Auditory Perception
Mark Micchelli - Sound Structures and Naked Fire Gestures in Cecil Taylor’s Solo Piano Music
Drew F. Nobile - Teleology in Verse–Prechorus–Chorus Form, 1965–2020
William O’Hara - The Techne of YouTube Performance: Musical Structure, Extended Techniques, and Custom Instruments in Solo Pop Covers