We are pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of Music Theory Online.

We at MTO are proud to present Volume 29, no. 1, our March issue, which includes five new articles and two reviews. There is an impressive range of theoretical topics and repertoires covered, which might translate, for the most focused and/or time-strapped readers, as “something for everyone.” Given the creativity, depth, and accessibility of these offerings, however, I much prefer the characterization “everything for everyone!” We hope to see you there soon.
Best Regards,
Brent Auerbach
Editor, Music Theory Online
Prioritizing Narrative Structure in Large-Scale Film-Music Analysis: A Case Study of Dramatic Irony in Barton Fink
Brian Edward Jarvis (The University of Texas at El Paso)
The Common Cold: Using Computational Musicology to Define the Winter Topic in Video Game Music
Megan Lavengood (George Mason University)
Evan Williams (Digital Science)
Talking Scores and the Dismediation of Music Notation
Floris Schuiling (Utrecht University)
Extending the Parallel Multiple-Analysis Processor: Perceived Meter in Post-Tonal Music
James Sullivan (Michigan State University)
Between Half and Perfect Cadences: The Modulating Antecedent in Dvořák’s Parallel Periods
Xieyi (Abby) Zhang (Georgia State University)
Review of David Temperley, The Musical Language of Rock (Oxford University Press: 2018)
David Heetderks (University of North Texas)
Review of Elliott Carter Speaks: Unpublished Lectures, Edited and with an introduction by Laura Emmery (University of Illinois Press, 2021)
John Link (William Paterson University)