A double issue, with four articles, a review, a report on Covid-19 and music theory, and a special issue on Music Theory in the Plural.
With articles by Cole, Huguet, Long, Mitchell, Short, Smither, and Utne-Reitan.
"Simultaneous Distinct Headbanging Patterns in Heavy Metal" by Guy Capuzzo is now available at SMT-V.org and on YouTube.
With articles by Braunschweig, Burns, Daly, Ovenden, Posen, Hasegawa, Utz, Li, and Boyle; an essay by Lee; and a review by Boyd and Conlee.
The Society for Music Theory is pleased to announce its 2023 publication award winners.
With articles by Cook, Goddard, Hier, Morford and David, Murphy, Oinas, Wang, and Zeller; review by Yunek.
SMT-V 9.3, “Interactions Between Music and Dance in Two Musical Theatre Tap Breaks” by Rachel Short, is now available at SMT-V.org and on Youtube.
With articles by Jarvis, Lavengood, Williams, Schuiling, Sullivan, Zhang; reviews by Heetderks and Link.
We are happy to announce the two winners of this year’s Dissertation Fellowships, Siavash Sabetrohani and Lina Tabak. 
SMT-V 9.1, "'We are dancing, We are flying': The Feeling of Flight in Dance Scenes from Recent Popular Film" by Chelsea Oden, is now available at SMT-V.org and on Youtube.
With articles by Duguay, Geary, Margulis, Miller, Mitchell, Windholz, Williams, McAuley, Masci, Ng, Nobile, Schubert, Straus; reviews by Kahrs and Temperley.
SMT-V 8.6, “When Hip-Hop Accents Collide (They Create Syncopation)” by Ben Duinker, is now available at SMT-V.org.
Anna Yu Wang's presentation, “Perceiving banyan: Temporal Syntax Unbeholden to Meter," is the winner of the 2021 SMT Student Presentation Award.
With articles by Chiu, Martinkus, Terrigno, Emmery, Beaudoin, Perry, Levy, Karnes, Hall, and Morrison; review by De Souza.
With articles by Karpinski, Chenette, Gates, Marvin, Schumann, Boyle, Smith, Shupe, Donaldson, Hahn, Kozak; reviews by Duguay and Kovaciny.
With articles by Beaudoin, Beavers, Garza, Hilewicz, Hudson, Li, Maler, Komaniecki, and Salley; reviews by Boyle, Leydon, Sherrill, Swinkin, Rings, and Hilewicz.
With articles by Smith, Yunek, Wadsworth, Needle, Ng, Yust, Burns, Wiskus, Sullivan, Schumann; reviews by Trevor, Reybrouck, and Shanahan.
Lina Sofia Tabak's presentation "Pulse Dissonance in Colombian Currulao" is the winner of the 2020 SMT Student Presentation Award.

On behalf of the editorial board and staff of Music Theory Online, we would like to announce the publication of Issue 26.1

The issue contains articles by Oliver Chandler, Martin Clayton, David Heetderks, Cora S. Palfy, and Derek Remeš; a review-essay by Dmitri Tymoczko; and a conference report by Fred Everett Maus.