We are pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of Music Theory Online.

Dear List Members,
I am pleased to announce the publication of Volume 30, No. 3 of Music Theory Online. The seven weighty pieces appearing in this issue center on Western music spanning roughly the last four centuries. On the Baroque and Classical side, there are four articles that to varying extents treat issues of form, harmony, performance, and pedagogy. The other three articles, which center on the more modern genres of jazz, ballet, and bluegrass, interrogate aspects of collaboration and live performance.
We, the members of the editorial board and staff, extend a warm invitation for you to stop by to partake in and enjoy all of this fine scholarship!
Brent Auerbach
Editor, Music Theory Online
Hands, Fingers, Strings, and Bows: Performance Technique and Analysis in J.S. Bach’s Largo for Solo Violin
Christa Cole (Oberlin College & Conservatory)
Post-Recapitulatory Organization in Beethoven’s Early Sonata-Rondo Finales
Joan Huguet (Knox College)
Mid-Exposition Modal Contrast and Francesco Galeazzi’s “Characteristic Passage”
Rebecca Long (University of Louisville)
On Meter and the Social Dynamics of Cueing in Bill Monroe’s “Muleskinner Blues”
Nathaniel Mitchell (Wesleyan University)
Three Sailors, Three Personalities: Choreomusical Analysis of the Solo Variations inFancy Free
Rachel Short (Shenandoah University)
Referents in the Palimpsests of Jazz: Disentangling Theme from Improvisation in Recordings of Standard Jazz Tunes
Sean R. Smither (The Juilliard School, The New School)
Ernst Friedrich Richter and the Birth of Modern Music Theory Pedagogy
Bjørnar Utne-Reitan (Mälardalen University)