The Society for Music Theory is pleased to announce its 2023 publication award winners.
With articles by Duguay, Geary, Margulis, Miller, Mitchell, Windholz, Williams, McAuley, Masci, Ng, Nobile, Schubert, Straus; reviews by Kahrs and Temperley.
Part of the mission of the Award for Diversity Course Design is to make it easier to teach diverse courses. The SMT is honored to share the syllabi of its award winners.
Part of the mission of the Award for Diversity Course Design is to make it easier to teach diverse courses. The SMT is honored to share the syllabi of its award winners.
With articles by Karpinski, Chenette, Gates, Marvin, Schumann, Boyle, Smith, Shupe, Donaldson, Hahn, Kozak; reviews by Duguay and Kovaciny.
Given the new and renewed interest in race and ethnicity as they impact the teaching and study of music, the Society for Music Theory and W. W. Norton are making available to the music theory community Ellie Hisama's essay “Considering Race and Ethnicity in the Music Theory Classroom."
In response to the precautionary measures many institutions have taken against COVID-19, we have started a collaborative doc (like Google Docs) on our Humanities Commons (HC) page for sharing pedagogical materials and technology tips that would be helpful during this time.