Anna Yu Wang is the winner of the 2021 SMT Student Presentation Award.

The Student Presentation Award Committee is delighted to congratulate our 2021 award winner: Anna Yu Wang (Harvard University) for “Perceiving banyan: Temporal Syntax Unbeholden to Meter.” In her outstanding paper presentation, Yu Wang invited us to critically explore the limits of Western musical intuition when experiencing temporal periodicity and musical salience in 黄梅戏 huangmei opera and 歌仔戲 koa-a opera.
Anna Yu Wang’s research concerns what it means—and what it takes—to listen across lines of cultural difference, focusing on how intuitions for tonality, form, and temporal organization change based on cultural context. She is also involved in pedagogy research and practice to promote multicultural literacy through music theory and analysis.
On behalf of the entire committee, warmest congratulations to Anna!
Juan Chattah, committee chair