With articles by Boyle and Sherrill, Donaldson, Geary, Gran, Neidhöfer, Eron, and Tönies.
With articles by Agmon, Belcher, Martin, and Tatar; conference report by Conlee.
The 2022 Student Presentation Award winners are Rachel Gain (Yale University) and Audrey Slote (University of Chicago).
With articles by Aziz, Besada, Titel, Hier, Hutchinson, Poon, Lee, Reed, Spreadborough, Stephenson, Stroud, and Wallmark; essay by Attas; review by Keep.
We are happy to announce the two winners of this year’s Dissertation Fellowships, Kája Lill and Anna Yu Wang.
SMT-Pod has debuted its first season! A new episode will be released every Thursday.
Anna Yu Wang's presentation, “Perceiving banyan: Temporal Syntax Unbeholden to Meter," is the winner of the 2021 SMT Student Presentation Award.
The Society for Music Theory is pleased to announce its 2020 publication awards!

With articles by Adams; Bhogal; Brøvig-Hanssen, Sandvik, and Aareskjold-Drecker; Ewell; Guez; Hutchinson; Kahrs; Lee; Mailman; Ofcarcik; Rabinovitch; Yorgason and Lyon.