We are pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of Music Theory Spectrum.

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The Enigma of Entropy in Extended Tonality
Kenneth M Smith

Perceiving the Mosaic: Form in the Mashups of DJ Earworm
Jeffrey Scott Yunek, Benjamin K Wadsworth, Simon Needle

End-Accented Sentences: Towards a Theory of Phrase-Rhythmic Progression
Samuel Ng

Steve Reich’s Signature Rhythm and an Introduction to Rhythmic Qualities
Jason Yust

“Musique cannibale”: The Evolving Sound of Indigeneity in Heitor Villa-Lobos’s Tres poêmas indigenas
Chelsea Burns

On the Nonindependent Parts of Time-Consciousness: Husserl’s Early Phenomenological Investigations and the Perception of Melody
Jessica Wiskus

Metric Manipulations in Post-Tonal Music
James Sullivan

Tropological Interaction and Expressive Interpretation in Stravinsky’s Neoclassical Works
Scott C Schumann


Music, Analysis, and the Body: Experiments, Explorations, and Embodiments. Edited by Nicholas Reyland and Rebecca Thumpston
Caitlyn Trevor

Foundations of Musical Grammar. By Lawrence M. Zbikowski
Mark Reybrouck

Musical Illusions and Phantom Words: How Music and Speech Unlock Mysteries of the Brain. By Diana Deutsch
Daniel Shanahan

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