We are pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of Music Theory Online.

We at Music Theory Online are proud to present Volume 29, no. 2, our June issue, which includes four new articles and one conference report. The menu lists slightly fewer entrees than usual; however, the fare is guaranteed to satisfy as ever. We wish you all a restful and restorative summer season and hope to see you there soon!
Best Regards,
Brent Auerbach
Editor, Music Theory Online
“Aus Mozart gestohlen”: Beethoven and Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Eytan Agmon (Bar-Ilan University)
Public Music Theory’s Neoliberal Learning Outcomes
Owen Belcher (University of Missouri–Kansas City)
Catrina Kim (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Alan Reese (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
On the Tonic Added-Sixth Chord in Jazz
Henry Martin (Rutgers University)
Injury, Affirmation, and the Disability Masquerade in Ye’s “Through the Wire”
Jeremy Tatar (McGill University)
Conference Report
Conference Report: “Ruptures and Convergences: Music Studies and the Anthropocene”
Jade Conlee (Yale University)