With articles by Cook, Goddard, Hier, Morford and David, Murphy, Oinas, Wang, and Zeller; review by Yunek.
SMT-V 9.1, "'We are dancing, We are flying': The Feeling of Flight in Dance Scenes from Recent Popular Film" by Chelsea Oden, is now available at SMT-V.org and on Youtube.
With articles by Beaudoin, Beavers, Garza, Hilewicz, Hudson, Li, Maler, Komaniecki, and Salley; reviews by Boyle, Leydon, Sherrill, Swinkin, Rings, and Hilewicz.
On behalf of the editorial board and staff of Music Theory Online, we are pleased to announce the publication of Music Theory Online 26.3. This issue contains eight feature articles, a tribute to the music of Chen Yi (b. 1953), and two book reviews.
With articles by Adams; Bhogal; Brøvig-Hanssen, Sandvik, and Aareskjold-Drecker; Ewell; Guez; Hutchinson; Kahrs; Lee; Mailman; Ofcarcik; Rabinovitch; Yorgason and Lyon.