Below is a list of upcoming events that might be of interest to SMT members. You may click on the event title for more information. 

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SCSMT 2025
Galant Schema Theory: Contemporary Approaches to Composition, Pedagogy, Performance
McGill Graduate Music Symposium
McGill Music Graduate Symposium 2025
RMSMT 2025 Annual Meeting
Invitation to Columbia University's graduate 2025 Current Musicology Conference
Current Musicology Conference 2025: "Co-Creating: Collaboration in Music Studies"
Audible Futures: Media, Ecology, and Art
Drawing the Line: Race, Gender, Ethics, and the Arts, an interdisciplinary conference
Karl Geiringer Scholarship in Brahms Studies
Paradigmatic Revolutions: Reframing Western Music Globalism from the Perspective of Asian Composers
17th International Conference on Computer Supported Education: Special session on Computer Supported Music Education (CSME 2025) – 6th edition
Northeast Conference of Music Theorists (NECMT)
Music Biennale Zagreb
Music Biennale Zagreb Conference: Broken Relationships
CFP International Conference "A Tribute to Georges Delerue (1925-1992)"
Midwest Graduate Music Consortium
Funk Music in Popular Culture Conference
Joint Conference of the West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis (WCCMTA) and the AMS Pacific Northwest Chapter (AMS-PNW)
28th Annual Graduate Students in Music (GSIM) Conference
28th Graduate Student in Music Conference (GSIM) at CUNY Graduate Center
North American Conference on Video Game Music
Music Theory Midwest
Music and Cultural Mobility in the 20th Century. Ernst Krenek, Arnold Schoenberg, and their contemporaries
Music and Cultural Mobility in the 20th Century. Ernst Krenek, Arnold Schoenberg, and their contemporaries
Virtuosity in the Music of György Ligeti
Symposium on Music, Sound, and Antisemitism
Music Theory Pedagogy Summer Graduate Student Workshop
Call for Papers: Music and the Moving Image XXI
Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy, Volume 39
Timbre and Orchestration Summer School
Theorizing African American Music
Timbre and Orchestration in Popular Song
Hearing the Virtual Cue: An Online Conference on Theme Park Music and Sound
music & online cultures in a changing platform ecosystem
23rd Annual Plenary Conference of the Society for Musicology
North American Conference on Nineteenth-Century Music
Screening Live Performance
The Lost Voices of Electronic Music History
Cincinnati Sounds: Exploring a Musical City's Spaces, Places, and Sounds
Rethinking Landscape: Environment, Place, and Heritage in British Music Studies
Manchester Music Analysis Conference (McrMAC 2025)
Cincinnati Sounds: Exploring a Musical City's Spaces, Places, and Sounds
Eduard Hanslick 1825-2025: Background, Context, Legacy
8th Biennial Conference of the International Musicological Society East Asian Regional Association (IMSEA)
Practitioner-Centered Music Theory: Concepts, Methods, Perspectives
AAWM Special Topics Symposium 2025: Music Theories, Histories, Analysis, and the Musical Cultures of Asia
Pierre Boulez Centenary in Cleveland
Berio: labirinti in musica - Berio: labyrinths in music
#uncancel culture International Interdisciplinary Conference
National Opera Association (NOA) Conference